Precautions for safe operation of casting and melting workshop

1. Wear safety helmets, masks, gloves, foot protectors, and other labor protection supplies when going to work, and it is strictly forbidden to go to work after drinking. Unrelated personnel is not allowed to enter the workplace.


2. Strictly abide by the equipment inspection system during the duty period, pay close attention to whether the parameter values displayed by the instruments are normal, and fill in the inspection form. Personnel on duty must strictly abide by the shift system, and truthfully fill in the forms and shift records.


3. During the on-duty period, it is strictly forbidden to leave the post, sleep on the post, do not do anything unrelated to work, strictly abide by the operating procedures, and keep the mobile phone turned on during work.


4. It is forbidden to change the parameters of the operation screen privately. The modification must go through approval procedures and be carried out by maintenance personnel. It is forbidden to tamper with electrical switches and water system switches when entering the basement for inspection.


5. Before starting the furnace, ensure that all obstacles around the furnace pit are removed, and flammable and explosive materials are not allowed to be piled up. There should be no standing water in the working place, the pit in front of the furnace, and the bottom of the furnace.


6. It is not allowed to add closed boxes, boxes, tubes, and any wet materials into the electric furnace during work.


7. The burden added during sintering should prevent bridging. During the sintering process, it is forbidden to use iron rods, etc. to poke and cut the furnace material that is melting.


8. Gloves, glasses, and other protective equipment should be worn when tapping molten iron and in the can furnace. And wait for the surrounding people to evacuate to a safe location. Concentrate on the operation and strictly prohibit pressing the button by mistake. Strictly control the tilting height of the furnace, the flow rate of molten iron should not be too large, the molten iron should not be poured into the ladle too full, and it should be controlled at about 15cm away from the tap hole.


9. The personnel who release the ladle must put the molten iron ladle in the designated position. If the position of the ladle is not allowed, the personnel who dump the furnace have the right to refuse to dump the furnace.


10. When the power transmission level is at a relatively high level, the tilting personnel must not tilt the furnace substantially. If the furnace is to be tilted, the voltage level must be lowered before the furnace can be tilted.


11. When tilting the furnace, check whether the tap hole of the electric furnace is blocked by condensation. Once the blockage is melted by molten iron and the furnace is tilted too hard, molten iron will be ejected and cause an accident.


12. When condensation is found in the tap hole, special tools must be used to remove it. When clearing, pay attention to maintaining the center of gravity of the body to prevent falls.


13. Do not carry mobile phones, lighters, and other items with you when working near the electric furnace, such as tapping molten iron, measuring temperature, and removing slag. Wear masks, glasses, and other labor protection supplies when working. It is forbidden to use hollow iron pipes or wet objects when removing slag, and special tools should be used.


14. For the ladle that has just been used at work, the molten iron personnel must check whether there is any foreign matter inside.


15. When sampling and testing, the sample spoon should be dried first.


16. When an emergency occurs, you should be clear-headed and not flustered. While dealing with it carefully, report to the lead quickly to prevent the problem from expanding.


17. When measuring the temperature of the electric furnace, removing slag, and charging, the furnace body should be powered off.


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